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motion adopted造句

"motion adopted"是什么意思  
  • In law, "'resolution "'is a written motion adopted by a deliberative body.
  • Just last month, he said, there was little support for promising to listen to homosexuals _ a pledge included in the motion adopted Wednesday.
  • The amended motion was supported by Labor and passed in the House of Representatives, the first such motion adopted in the lower house on same-sex marriage.
  • The five-point motion adopted after nearly five hours of debate is not the culmination of emotionalism on the part of Malaysians as our detractors would like to conclude.
  • Just two and a half weeks ago, he said, there was very little support for promising to listen to homosexuals _ a pledge which was included in the motion adopted Wednesday.
  • "A rebalancing of relations is in order to arrive at a genuine partnership, " said a motion adopted by a show of hands that signaled overwhelming support in the 626-member assembly.
  • "The motion adopted by the BGCT is an intentional rejection of a clear teaching of the Bible, " said R . Albert Mohler Jr ., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky.
  • The actual motion adopted by the Senate when exercising the power is " to advise and consent ", which shows how initial advice on nominations and treaties is not a formal power exercised by the Senate.
  • United Chambers spokesman Robert Scott said Wednesday that the group of business leaders is concerned that a motion adopted Tuesday by the City Council may not prevent city attorney James Hahn from taking an adversarial position on Proposition 187.
  • It's difficult to see motion adopted in a sentence. 用motion adopted造句挺难的
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